Home | BACFest 2012 – Gulf Shores, Alabama

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BACFest 2012 – Gulf Shores, Alabama

Mark your calendars and start thinking about plans for BACFest 2012. The warm and beautiful, white sand beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama will play host to our next annual gathering, September 27-30, 2012. Jack Edwards Airport (KJKA) will be our host airport and the Island House Hotel will be our headquarters for social events. Reservations are now being accepted at the hotel. Book now and you can always make adjustments as the time draws near.

Here’s all you need to make your reservation: Island House Hotel, 26650 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange Beach, AL 36561. The phone number is 800-264-2642 or 251-981-6100. Let them know you’re with Beech Aero Club and the group number is 2317726. Our group rate is $110/night ($35 less than regular rates). A credit card is required to hold the room, but no charges will be posted until check-in. Based on availability, the group rate will be extended three days before and after our meeting dates, so come early and/or stay late. There’s much to do in the area and plenty of shopping opportunities at the Tanger Outlet Mall about 15 miles from the hotel.

The preliminary schedule is as follows:

Thursday, September 27 – Group dinner at Lambert’s, home of the throwed rolls.

Friday, September 28 – Group trip to the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL followed by the Welcome Reception that evening.

Saturday, September 29 – Luncheons, Membership Meeting and Banquet

Sunday, September 30 – Departures

Additional details and registration will be available next spring. It’s BAC to the Beach in 2012!

It’s just a short walk from the hotel pool to the beach…………………

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