Home | BACFest 2018 – Louisville, KY – Registration Time

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BACFest 2018 – Louisville, KY – Registration Time

BACFest 2018 is drawing near. Many have already made their hotel reservations and most have registered with the club and paid the registration fee. If you are planning to attend BACFest this year, now is the time to make your hotel reservation as well as complete the club registration process.

The Beech Aero Club negotiated rate with The Galt House of $139/night is guaranteed for all reservations made by Monday, August 13. Beginning Tuesday, August 14 the rate will be offered only if hotel room availability remains. Don’t delay, book now and adjust later if your travel plans change. Here’s the link to register with the hotel:


For those that have not yet registered with the club, it will be extremely helpful if everyone can register by September 1, to allow time to print badges, prepare attendee lists, assemble the welcome packets and confirm head counts with the hotel for the receptions and the banquet, as well as purchase the needed tickets for the Belle of Louisville luncheon cruise. Full refunds will be given if cancellations are received by Monday, September 10. Here’s the link to register with BAC:

http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07efg2qc456d0af7a7&llr=liv8rosab&showPage=trueLooking forward to seeing a great crowd in Louisville September 12-16, 2018.

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