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>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

BACFest Details

BACFest is upon us!

Here are some notes to ease you into the festivities.

Some of us are arriving on Wednesday (28th) but things officially begin on Thursday (29th) “Arrival Day”. If you’re on the ground then and need some direction, my cell is 413-531-1938.

Our host FBO (Taughannock Aviation http://staging.flytac.com/company/facilities) will be looking for us. Upon arrival, tell them you are with BAC and they will park/direct you. They can also arrange rental cars or taxis as you desire. (Call ahead, makes things easier.)
Also, give them your fuel order to avoid the Sunday rush.

PENN YAN ENGINE WORKS: On Thursday, there is a fly-out to the Penn Yan shops organized by John Redmon (BAC ID: “aviator”). These world renowned artificers (always loved that word) will host those who can make it by air or ground. Contact John to give him a head’s up on your plans. Also, Tom Corcoran (N.E.R.D.) is trying to get that side trip listed as a BAC event for the purposes of President’s Trophy points.

Thursday evening there will be a reception with nibblies. Come meet those folks you have conversed with digitally. Then it’s dinner on your own. (Ask about the expedition to the “Rongovian Embassy”. Still in the works.)

AIRPORT DAY: Friday (30th), as is our custom, will be held at KITH and Taughannock Aviation. We will wander among the Mice, admiring and lying as the case may be.
Then lunch is on BAC and we will have several speakers. Don Funk and Mike Shea are local aviation historians who will tell us about things aerial in the past and talk about their project to restore a rare WWI Morse Scout. Also a regional aivation author, blogger, and journalist will be on hand to talk about his recent book on (naturally) flying and pilots.
Our Banquet speaker, Editor in Chief of Aero-News.net (http://aero-news.net) plans to be with us that day. (He really grooves on type clubs) and may have his video crew with him to feature BAC. He’s a great guy and passionate about aviation.

Friday evening is a more grandiose reception which may suffice for dinner for some and an appetizer for those who will seek supper elsewhere.

OFFICIAL DAY: Saturday (1st) we will conduct our official business. Sleep in late while the Board of Directors have their boring meeting. Then we will have our Beech Aero Club Annual Meeting and luncheon where we will accomplish numerous feats of despite Roberts Rules. There will be a parallel luncheon for spouses (or those who have already had enough of our members LOL).

Saturday evening brings on our Annual Banquet. Jim Campbell (Aero-News.net) will be our featured speaker and I am sure he will regale us with aviation as is was, as it is, and how it could be. Also he will certainly leave no oxen un-gored! Great Time.
Don’t forget…door prizes and THAT I-PAD!!

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