Home | BACFest Early Registration Closed

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BACFest Early Registration Closed

Friday, October 1 was the final day for early registration for BACFest in San Antonio at the $85 member rate on the website. As of now, the fee has increased by $25 and any payment will have to take place on-site in San Antonio at the late rate.

A few attendees have registered but have not sent their payment. Please contact the Secretary-Treasurer via the contactpage to assure us that you will be there and bring your registration fee at the late rate ($110 per person member, $135 per person non-member) to BACFest. We have sent emails to everyone who has registered but not paid this past week to try to ensure that you could take advantage of the early registration fee.

If you haven’t registered and wish to register you can register via the registration page but you will have to pay the late registration rate and make that payment at BACFest. Please follow up your registration via a note to the Secretary-Treasurer from the contactpage to make sure we know your intent is to attend.

Monday, October 4 by noon Central is the final day to cancel your registration and receive a refund. On Monday we place our guarantees with La Quinta and refunds will no longer be available. If you are cancelling at this late date you must follow up your cancellation with a note to the Secretaryon the contactpage.

The first “official” function will be the welcome reception on Thursday night, October 7 at La Quinta.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in San Antonio. Weather looks like it’s going to cooperate for all those flying their baby Beeches to Stinson Field.

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