When Beech Aero Club was established in 2004, one of the goals was to get members together at BAC fly-ins so they could meet other members in their region.Early fly-ins attracted from two to twenty members and everyone enjoyed pairing usernames with faces.As part of our growth, in May 2005 the first half-national event was held in Dayton, OH with more than a dozen members getting together for the weekend.As the club continued to progress, the next step was to have an annual gathering, so in 2006 the first BACFest was held in Wichita, KS.Attendance has ranged from 42 – 82 and the number of planes from 8 – 33.Weather hasn’t always cooperated, but every year brings great pleasure in getting members together for some good face-to-face shenanigans.Below is the list of locations, total attendance and number of planes for each of the 11 BACFests to date.Number 12 will be held in New Bedford, MA the third week of September 2017.
Only three members have attended all eleven of the previous BACFests, Mark Gooderum, Brad Mitchell and Bob Schmidt.Three others have only missed one, Steve Cote, Rick Koch and Mr. Anonymous, wdnd5960.Everyone always gets to know wdnd5960 at BACFest…..he’s the one buying a round of drinks at the bar.Cheers!!!
2006Wichita, KS50 people22 planes
2007Myrtle Beach,SC75 people32 planes
2008Santa Maria, CA51 people18 planes
2009Gatlinburg, TN72 people8 planes
2010San Antonio, TX54 people18 planes
2011Ithaca, NY50 people8 planes
2012Gulf Shores, AL69 people19 planes
2013Virginia Beach,VA58 people23 planes
2014Portland, OR42 people8 planes
2015Dubuque, IA82 people33 planes
2016Branson, MO78 people31 planes
2017New Bedford, MA 55 people 5 planes
Come join the fun. Once you’ve attended, you’ll always want to come BAC.