Home | BACNotes on Fly-Ins

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

BACNotes on Fly-Ins

Did you know, any member may organize and/or host a BAC fly-in?It can be at your home airport, at one of your favorite airports or even as a tag-along to another organized event. As provided in the BAC Bylaws, the club will cover the cost of a meal and transportation to a restaurant or event, if required.Just a few stipulations…..the event must be posted at least five days in advance on the BAC website calendar, the BAC Regional Director for the area must pre-approve the expenditure and you must submit a receipt to the Regional Director and/or the Secretary/Treasurer for reimbursement.We would also like to have a group picture, a brief write up with the names of attendees for the newsletter and the mileage each member flew one way to count toward the President’s Trophy.You may submit the photo, write up and mileage to your Regional Director or directly to Alan White, Newsletter Editor, at dralwhite@yahoo.com. Reimbursement receipts may be sent to Michael Dunlevie, BAC Secretary/Treasurer, at mrdunlevie@gmail.com.

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