Home | Beech Aero Club 2017 Elections

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Beech Aero Club 2017 Elections

December 16, 2017 Update

The 2017 Beech Aero Club elections are complete. Congratulations to the winning candidates and thanks to those members that participated. Your 2018 elected Board of Directors will be:

President – John Persinger
Vice President – Brad Mitchell
Secretary/Treasurer – Candy Gooderum
Northeast Regional Director – Tom Corcoran
Mid-Atlantic RD – Gary Mascelli
Southeast RD – Charley Booton
East Central RD – John Redmon
North Central RD – Mike Nielsen
South Central RD – Nelson Amen
Northwest RD – James Brocksmith
Southwest RD – Richard Wolf
International RD – Jeff Knight

December 8, 2017 Update

The 2017 Beech Aero Club elections are underway through December 15. Although none of the positions are being contested this year, all members please take a moment to cast your vote for President and Secretary/Treasurer. In addition, members residing in the Northeast, Southeast, East Central, South Central and International Regions may vote for their Regional Director. Click on the links below to vote:





East Central

South Central


November 15, 2017 Update

The Nominations and Elections Committee has submitted the following preliminary slate of candidates:

President – John Persinger
Secretary/Treasurer – Candy Gooderum
Northeast RD – Tom Corcoran
Southeast RD – Charley Booton
East Central RD – John Redmon
South Central RD – Nelson Amen
International RD – Jeff Knight

The Open Nomination period begins November 16 and continues through November 30, 2017. If you would like to nominate someone, including yourself, for one of the open positions, please notify Brad Mitchell, BAC Vice President, by November 30. Email bmitchell211@gmail.com.

Beech Aero Club elections will begin on December 1 and the initial nominating process began October 1. This year there are two officer positions (President and Secretary/Treasurer) and five regional director positions (Northeast, Southeast, East Central, South Central and International) up for election/re-election. Each position is for a two-year term. Below is Article IX from the club Bylaws:


SECTION 1 –NOMINATIONS BY NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS COMMITTEEThe Nominations & Elections Committee, when convened, shall between October 1 and November 15 nominate candidates for the office of President, ExecutiveVice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and the open Regional Director seats. The committee may nominate more than one member for any position.SECTION 2 –OPEN NOMINATIONSBetween November 16 and November 30 any member may nominate any member, including himself/herself, for the office of President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and the open Regional Director seats. A member may only nominate a candidate for the Regional Director seat for the region of which he is a member.SECTION 3 –ELECTIONSElection of officers and directors will be held between December 1 and December 15. Voting will be by electronic means whenever possible. Any member wishing to vote on a paper ballot may do so by requesting one from the Secretary-Treasurer. The Nominations & Elections Committee shall establish procedures for the conduct of elections.

The Nominations and Elections Committee for 2017 has been appointed and consists of Brad Mitchell, Tom Corcoran and John Redmon. If any member has an interest in seeking one of these positions or has questions about the duties each position entails, please contact Brad Mitchell at bmitchell211@gmail.com. On or about November 15, an initial slate of candidates will be published and on November 16 the Open Nominating period will begin. The final slate of candidates will be published on or about December 1, 2017.

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