Home | CFI and A&P Listings Updated

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

CFI and A&P Listings Updated

The board recently undertook some passionate discussion on the topic of the various vendor lists and other outside links. Additionally as webmasters and editors we also have had some actions and challenges with updating those resources. To that end we resolved to do a few things.

Most importantly, we as the official representatives of Beech Aero Club want to make clear – as of right now, in the past and the known future – Beech Aero Club does not endorse any product, vendor or service. We do provide listings to assist members in finding vendors and we provide forums for members to share and discover their experiences good and bad (and so far and we continue to hope far more good than bad). We also encourage vendors to support our members and aircraft. To that end we’ve made some changes.

  • We have split the A&P and CFI lists. Vendors and individuals with certifications in both areas are welcome to appear on both lists.
  • We have clarified that we will list any vendor on any of the 3 lists upon request.
  • We have added disclaimers about endorsement and some cautionary commentary at the start of the 3 major lists.
  • We have done some editing and will be doing more editing to clean up and update these lists.
  • We have adopted an interim policy on vendor listings to clarify what is allowed and offered on vendor lists.
  • We do not attempt to verify factual data – we trust what is given us – but we will investigated and attempt to resolve factual errors when asked.

The interim vendor policy is given in a separate post. We will refine it as needed and we have the goal to incorporate it into an overall site use policy.

Thanks all,

BAC Board, Webmaster and Editors

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