Home | Elections Results for 2010

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Elections Results for 2010

The polls are closed and the final tally has been taken. The newly elected executive committee and board members are as follows:


President………………………………..Dan Jonas
Exec. Vice-President…………………..Steve Cote
Secretary/Treasurer……………………Gene McPherson


International RD…………………………Mark Weiss
Northeast RD……………………………Tom Corcoran
Southeast RD……………………………Ed Smith
Northwest RD…………………………..Thom Smith
Southwest RD…………………………..Marshal Whatley
North Central RD……………………….Dave Gribble
South Central RD………………………Larkin Braxton
Mid-Atlantic RD…………………………Paul Werbin
East Central RD…………………………Bob Schmidt

As the outgoing President, I say congratulations to all the winners. Their terms begin January 1, 2011 and run through December 31, 2012. We wish all the Board Members every success as they take the Club forward over the next two years!

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