Home | Fly-In to New Hampshire Bike Week in Lakes Region June 11, 2011

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Fly-In to New Hampshire Bike Week in Lakes Region June 11, 2011

Ron Cribbie, Airboss of New Hampshire has big plans for us. Here is the text of his message:

I spoke with Lynn at Emerson Aviation. Bike week is good with them 6/11 we can use the 13 or the following weekend as rain dates. They will provide aircraft parking and we can use meeting area where you and I sat last time or the class room up stairs. They are also a Enterprise car rental agent if someone wants a car.

Meadow Brook will have a concert that weekend but haven’t booked it yet. They are located next to the field but you really need a car to get there.

I checked with a few hotels rooms are available but will book fast NO JOKE!! I would advise booking early if you plan to stay over. The main action is at Weirs beach but staying close to that area will be loud.

I will volunteer to bring people to the Lake Port Train station for trip to the Weirs and pick them up when they are ready. The boat and train stop in the middle of weirs beach and is the best way to get there. If people stay in the Meredith or Center Harbor area they can take the boat directly to the Weirs.

I have provided some links below for more specific info.

I would ask that if possible we buy fuel from Emerson to offset the free parking and use of their FBO they are the cheapest on the field with self serve anyway.


http://www.emersonaviation.com/ FBO
http://www.meadowbrook.net/ Concert info
http://www.lakewinnipesaukee. Area info
http://www.laconiamcweek.com/ Bike week info

http://www.hotels.com/search.do?destination=Laconia+%28and+vicinity%29%2 C+New+Hampshire%2C+United+States&searchParams.arri valDate=06%2F10%2F11&searchParams.departureDate=06 %2F12%2F11&rooms=1&searchParams.rooms%5B0%5D.numbe rOfAdults=2&children%5B0%5D=0&asaReport=HomePage%3 A%3ACity&destinationId=1643205&searchParams.landma rk=&hotelId= Hotels .com .

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