Graham Lawson flew his Sundowner the furthest distance to join in the Ice Runway Fly-in at Alton Bay New Hampshire. That’s 153nm from home base at 44N near Millbrook New York. Details later.

Photo: Graham Lawson on short final for the ice runway at Alton Bay New Hampshire on February 8, 2014.
SNOW HAS BEEN PLOWED. CALL 603 875-3498 for recording.
Ron Cribbie, Airboss of New Hampshire is keeping tabs on this annual signature event for the Northeast Region.
Here is Ron’s report as of Saturday January 25, 2014 4pm:
Ice runway has been open for about a week the ice is solid there are several events on the lake over the next few weeks, 2/2- 2/3 Northeast ice hockey tournament , 2/8-2/9 Laconia Dog sled race , and The Meredith Ice fishing Derby a small town of BOB houses pops up on Meredith Bay.
Also here is the contact phone number for latest details on B18 603-875-3498
You will be landing on the frozen seaplane runway at Alton Bay on Lake Winnipesauke, New Hampshire
Keep watch for particulars (such as – Is the ice thick enough?)
Identifier is B18 which is a recognized airport. (Runways are 1-19 with runway 1 preferred)
Nearest official weather is Laconia NH (KLCI) Nearest TAF is Concord NH (KCON)
The frozen runway story and video is at:
During the season there is an “ATIS” number to call. It is 603 875-3498 which is a recording made daily by Paul LaRochelle volunteer airport manager.
Save the date February 8, 2014.
Tom Corcoran