This is being carried forward from another post and the BAC fire news letter .
We are planning on having a BAC member Instrument knowledge course. The intent is to have a focused presentation and discussion to serve as a supplement to your own books or video course. Gleim publications has offered the club a discount which we can pass on should you want to purchase any books or video courses that they produce. We should be able to cover everything needed for the written test for the IFR airplane rating.(you then have two years to complete the Practical part )
Paul Werbin has offered to be our main educator ( All CFI’s and members are encouraged to participate)
This is a new technology and we will probably have a few bugs (:)) This should be enjoyable and if you miss a lesson or session you can review via taped video. See below Also you can join us from practically anywhere in the world with cellphone or internet service . Members are volunteering their time and the club is paying for the IMEET (we have a yearly agreement with them)
I believe the basic recommended book is the
Instrument Pilot FAA Knowledge Test book
Irvin N. Gleim, Garrett W. Gleim
NOTE : Class Has begun and clink below links to view classes
Class One (chapter 1)https://imeet.com/meeting_minutes/transcripts/b304982ad8007f7e6ecad553b11f2b9bc9fb7b00?index=24982Class Two (Chapter 2)Class Three (Chapter 3)https://imeet.com/meeting_minutes/transcripts/7c731bb0d839c78514ec594fc51227dc23b950c5?index=25338https://imeet.com/meeting_minutes/transcripts/7c731bb0d839c78514ec594fc51227dc23b950c5?index=25343Class Three (Chapter 3)
Class 4 (Chapter 4)https://imeet.com/meeting_minutes/transcripts/706e894b12eedc1a25c200130deaf2804ef47e1d?index=26494