Today, July 4, 2014 is the 10th Birthday of BAC.
Fly today in honor of this special event. And…
Also, raise a glass together in a communal toast at 2100Z today. There may be a more sophisticated internet way to go-live and mark the event but us oldtimers will be on the BAC website chatroom at 2100Z (6pm here in the Canadian Maritimes).
Founders: Mike Rellihan, Bob Steward (both deceased) Cloyd Van Hook, Brad Mitchell, Osman Iftikhar, Tom Corcoran, Tim Flight.
Conception was through the fall of 2003 and the spring of 2004. The club was officially incorporated in Louisiana on July 4, 2004.

Tim, Brad, Cloyd, Oz, Tom. Photo from our first “Half National Fly-in” at Dayton, Ohio.