Home | Movie Day for Mike with correction to time

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Movie Day for Mike with correction to time

 At the request of Paula Rellihan I am posting this event to commemorate the friendship and life of Mike Rellihan. Not being a fan of depressing events, Mike wished for all of his friends to enjoy a day of remembering his friendship. So, On Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:00 am (NOT1:00 pm) at the movie theater in Laurens SC there will be a special showing of Mike’s favorite movie “Babe”, complete with food, friends and a general sense of gratitude for all that Mike has given to us.
Since it is expected that many will be flying in to KLUX, Paula has asked that we review the weather forecast on Wednesday and then decide if May 23 looks good for flying. If postponed the backup date is the following Sunday May 30, 2010.
Please note that we have been requested to NOT send flowers. Mike and Paula have a few favorite organizations that have been helpful and ask that donations be sent there instead. List to be added soon.
There are commercial airports nearby, KGSP, KCLT, KATL, as well as our favorite GA field, KLUX. Ground transportation is being arranged by Jim and Monty of KLUX. They hope to be able to accommodate everyone’s ground needs. There will be a forum thread started to request transportation help. Local hotels will be listed as soon as we have a list together.
I know that I speak for all of us that have benefited from Mike’s advice for all these years when I again express thanks to Paula and to Mike for all their support.

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