Home | Notice of General Election for Beech Aero Club President

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Notice of General Election for Beech Aero Club President

Note to all members – the polls areCLOSED. To see candidate comments and cast your vote click here- https://www.beechaeroclub.org/showthread.php/9556-BAC-President-2013-Election.

To all members:

At the last Board of Directors meeting we discussed staggering the terms for our officers to prevent a ‘all new Board’ (as happened last election) in order to provide some continuity for the Board. After more discussion, the Board has decided this is an opportune time to start the process with the election of a full two-year term President. We will determine later how to stagger the rest of the terms.

As per the bylaws, we need an Elections and Nominations Committee. Therefore, I have appointed all members of the Board to that committee. The committee is responsible for presenting nominations through November 15th. From November 16 through November 30th any member may nominate any member, including themselves, for President.

I will continue to fulfill the duties of the President until the end of the year, at which time the new President will take office at which time I will resume my duties as Executive Vice President.

NOTE: This election is only for the Presidency!



The Nominations & Elections Committee shall between October 1 and November 15 nominate
candidates for the office of President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and the
nine (9) Regional Director seats. The committee may nominate more than one member for any


Between November 16 and November 30 any member may nominate any member, including
himself/herself, for the office of President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and
the nine (9) Regional Director seats. A member may only nominate a candidate for the Regional
Director seat for the region of which he is a member.


Election of officers and directors will be held between December 1 and December 15. Voting
will be by electronic means whenever possible. Any member wishing to vote on a paper ballot
may do so by requesting one from the Secretary-Treasurer. The Nominations & Elections
Committee shall establish procedures for the conduct of elections.

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