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Open Nominations for BAC Elections

The current terms for the officers and directors of the Beech Aero Club end December 31, 2010. An election for officers and directors will be held between December 1 and December 15, 2010. The officers and directors elected will serve a two year term beginning January 1, 2011.

Under the Bylaws Between October 1 and November 15 the Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for nominating candidates to be officers or directors of the Club. The committee may nominate more than one candidate for any position. Nomination by the committee is not intended as an endorsement of the candidate but rather an effort to find willing candidates for each position.

Between November 16 and November 30 open nominations are held during which any member may nominate himself or any other member for an officer or director position. Members may only nominate a member of the region in which they are a member for the position of Regional Director for that region. Regional Directors must be members of the region they represent.

After election committee nominations and, as open nominations come to a close, here is the current ballot situation:

President……………………………………………..DAN JONAS
Executive Vice-President…………………………..STEVE COTE
Sec./Treasurer………………………………………GENE MCPHERSON
International Region Director……………………..MARK WEISS
Northeast Region Director…………………………TOM CORCORAN
East Central Region Director………………………BOB SCHMIDT
Mid-Atlanta Region Director……………………….PAUL WERBIN
North Central Region Director…………………….DAVE GRIBBLE
Northwest Region Director………………………..THOM SMITH
Southeast Region Director…………………………ED SMITH
Southwest Region Director………………………..MARSHAL WHATLEY
South Central Region Director…………………….LARKIN BRAXTON

We now have a full ballot! The voting polls should be opened soon. The voting will continue until midnight Dec. 15, 2010.

Thanks to all!
Chris L.

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