Home | Site Update to 4.1.12 PL1

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Site Update to 4.1.12 PL1

Tonight we updated to 4.1.12 PL1.

General list of things in the update:

  • A number of bug fixes and more updates to the Mobile Style.
  • Several more fixes for the WYSIWIG editor as well including a long initial “hang” when starting to edit in some cases.
  • Performance optimizations to the backend database – mainly adding some indexes.
  • Proactive fixes for several potential security bugs (the vendor has been starting to use some automated tools for both code analysis and CRSF/CXS bugs).
  • Built-in support for the ForumRunner plugin.
    • One less bit for us to maintain.
    • Do advise if you have issues with ForumRunner.

I haven’t had a chance to see if the “Grey Editor” bug introduced in 4.1.10 for a some IE users was fixed – will advise when I can try things out on IE8 and/or IE7.

The Tapatalk plugin was also updated from 3.9.2 to 3.9.4 – please advise if issues there as well.

The ChatBox software was also updated. This fixed the missing icon bug as well as added support needed for the coming CFI corner chat sessions. One issue is some interaction of the vBulletin update and the Chatbox update is keeping us from showing the chatbox on the home page. We’ll work to resolve this but for now it’s available as usual on the forum page as well as the dedicated Chatbox tab.

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