Sorry to make it a two parter, but I just have too many pictures to keep it to five. So on with the narrative!

As Cloyd, Bo, and myself got to know each other and they got to know several of the local guys, we all enjoyed the hangar talk and discussions. Both needed to head back, and just as they started engine along with several others, Bill Manhein from Baton Rouge, LA arrived in his beautiful Sierra followed shortly by Steve Maggio who probably made the longest trip coming from Bay St. Louis, MS.
So right as the flight line was clearing, we had round two! Bill and Steve got a chance for introductions while several of the ladies got to be friends with Steve’s flying companion Snipes (his well behaved dauschund). I got a chance to find out about Steve and Bill’s experience with their annuals at KLUX as well as each of us discussing our list of upgrades we had planned for our Mice over the coming years.

As the afternoon came to a close and we bid safe travels to Bill and Steve, the local group at KDRI came together in reflection of the fleeting fun that was had by all as well as the feeling of exhaustion in a job well done. We really enjoyed getting to do this for everyone and hope to have many more enjoyable BAC events to come!