Home | SUN n FUN Dinner & Meet and Greet

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SUN n FUN Dinner & Meet and Greet

 We will be hosting the annual BAC Sun n Fun Dinner atthe Outback Restaurant at 5255 S. Florida Ave. Our reservation is for Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 6:30PM. Please see link below for more information.

Also we will have a meet and greet daily at Sun n Fun.We will meet 11:45AM and 12:00 noon daily at the AOPA Sweepstakes Airplane’s prop. It will be parked by the Big Yellow AOPA Tent. I will not be there everyday, so please ask others if they are members of BAC.

This is a central location, handy to seating and food vendors.

I am looking forward to seeing you at both events.

There is addition information in the “Fly-in” section of the Forums.

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