Home | Sunday May 5… BAC DAY… Fill the Air with Beeches!

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Sunday May 5… BAC DAY… Fill the Air with Beeches!

Thanks Tom Robertson of Pennsylvania for organizing this WORLDWIDE flying event!

Final Report for BAC DAY.

Thanks for adding to the BAC DAY fun on May 5, 2013!
CA Richard Kutzner
NY Glenn Castner
DE Gary Mascelli
FL Jim Olsen
OZ Mark Weiss
AL Mark Jones
FL Gary Embrey
VA Bob Prange
LA Dwayne Wilson
VA Alan White
PA Tom Robertson
PA Harvey Haag
TX Charlie Baumann
PA Terrance Murphy
PA Eric Grill
MA Tom Corcoran
OZ Mark Smith
VA John Zinkus

Note: The flying times were staggered so there were not a lot of planes in the air at one time. Some members just got up and around the pattern to participate. Those guys deserve a special thanks. Mark Weiss in Australia flew two different planes on BAC DAY. Ask him to explain.


“Ladies and gentlemen and the rest of you too: Next Sunday is Cinco de Mayo and we need a concerted effort to get as many BAC aircraft off of the planet on that date. The rules are simple. The flight can be for one minute or 6 hours, no matter. We just want you in the air. After the flight, write up your experience and send it to the email address below. Thank you in advance for taking part in this monumental program.”
Tom Robertson

We will calculate how many planes flew and when we had the most aloft at one time.

Member Name, Tail Number, Time of flight(s) in Zulu, Geographic area
John Doe N1234X 1630-1745Z Near Memphis TN

Send this info to <a href="mailto:beechaeroclub@gmail.com”>beechaeroclub@gmail.com.

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