Home | The 2020 Nominations and Elections are here !!!

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The 2020 Nominations and Elections are here !!!

At the call of the President, Nominations for Board of Director positions for the 2 year term 2021/2022 are now open!

Election time is upon us. Please find below those positions which are due for election for the 2 year term 2021/2022.
If you haven’t run for office before and have been on the sidelines, I would strongly urge you to consider a position to help out our club.
I have made some of the best friends I could ever ask for by being active in the BAC BOD.
If you have any questions reach out to any of the Board of Director members about the expectations and job descriptions.
This is a volunteer organization of over 700 members and we are all on the same pay scale. Whatever time you can contribute, in whatever capacity is appreciated.

In 2013 the Board of Directors amended the bylaws to include a provision for staggered terms for all Board of Director positions. Each board position is a 2 year position.
Staggering the terms is good because at each election, half the board will have at least one year of experience or more.
For 2020 the positions to be filled are:

Executive Vice President: 2 year term ending 12/31/2022 – Bob Prange is running

Regional Director North West: 2 year term ending 12/31/2022 – John Foster is running

Regional Director South West: 2 year term ending 12/31/2022 – Chris Kilgus is running

Regional Director North Central: 2 year term ending 12/31/2022 – Michael Dunlevie is running

Regional Director Mid Atlantic: 2 year term ending 12/31/2022 –

In addition, the following board positions are appointed annually by the President and will be for a 1 year term.
Those persons in the positions ending 12/31/2020 are:

Newsletter Editor (Charlie Booton) – newly appointed
Art Director (Rick Koch)
Webmaster (Mark Gooderum)
Technical Director (Rap McBurney)
Director of flight Operations (currently Bob Prange)

If you have a desire to fill any of the open positions, please contact a board member with your questions, comments, desires, etc.

Please do not let someone running be a distraction from submitting your nomination for that office position .
Several of those running are currently incumbent to the position and would rather fill the position for another term than see it sit vacant because of the lack of members wanting the positions.
Any help any member can contribute is appreciated.
Nominations for the General Membership are open from 16-30 November, 2020. Please remember that any nomination requires the acceptance of the person being nominated before being placed on the ballot.
Candidates acclaimed to positions will be announced on 1 December, 2020.
Balloting, if required, will be held from 1-15 December, 2020 with the successful candidate being announced on 16 December, 2020.

Please take a moment to consider where you can best assist your club, and make your desires known.
If you feel you can assist in a way that is not mentioned here, then please make those ideas known to a Board or Executive member so we can consider your ideas.
Thank-you for supporting the Best Aeronautical Club in General Aviation!

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