Home | Third Annual BAC Picnic on the Flghtline at Oshkosh AirVenture Tuesday, July 27.

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Third Annual BAC Picnic on the Flghtline at Oshkosh AirVenture Tuesday, July 27.

It’s time for the third annual BAC Picnic on the Flightline at Oshkosh AirVenture. The picnic will be held Tuesday, July 27 starting at 1:00PM. The location will be Larry and Debbie Last’s back yard, adjacent to the AirVenture grounds, across the airshow runway from the Red Barn – a great place to watch the airshow!

Food will be catered as usual, with burgers, brats, chicken, corn on the cob, cookies, beer and soft drinks. Food will be available starting at 2:30.

We will have an on-demand shuttle running from the South gate at Airventure (by the ultralights), to and from the picnic. A number will be posted at the gate to call for pick-up. Back up number is my cell, 414-397-8215.

Look for more details on the BAC website as we get closer to the date.

I’m asking for a $10 deposit per person by July 16th, which will be refunded at the picnic. No-shows will forfeit their deposit. You can also pay $15 per person at the picnic, no refunds. This is all to get an accurate headcount for the caterer, as we have to pay for you even if you don’t show up.

Mail your checks, made out to Beech Aero Club, to:

Robert Schmidt
2837 Meadow Lane
Hartland, WI 53029

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