Home | Third Annual Picnic on the Flightline at Oshkosh AirVenture, Tuesday July 27th

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Third Annual Picnic on the Flightline at Oshkosh AirVenture, Tuesday July 27th

Hi folks,

Larry and Debbie Last will be hosting the Third Annual Picnic on the Flightline on Tuesday afternoon, July 27. The picnic will start at 1:30, and food will be ready at 2:30. We will have it catered again this year, with the same menu – brats, chicken, burgers, corn on the cob, and all the fixings. We’ll have cookies for dessert, and beer and soft drinks to quench your thirst.

The location is at Larry and Debbie’s house again, adjacent to the AirVenture grounds, with a great view of the airshow! Grab a drink, have a seat, and enjoy the show!

Same rules as the previous years, too. I need a check for $10 for each BAC member and guest. The check will be returned to you at the picnic. No-shows will forfeit their money. You can also pay at the picnic, but it will cost $15 per person. We will have an on-demand shuttle from the AirVenture grounds for those that don’t drive to the picnic.

Please get your checks to me by July 16th so we can let the caterer know the head count.

Send your checks to:
Robert Schmidt
2837 Meadow Lane
Hartland, WI 52029.

Please also respond to this thread if you are planning to attend.

See you at the picninc!

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